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Real Nappies for London Please!

Real Nappies for London Please!

Guest Post from Real Nappies for London:

Using disposable nappies on your baby?  Think it’s too late to change?  It’s not.  Switch at 6 is a new campaign from Real Nappies for London to make you aware that you can switch at 6 weeks, 6 months or actually any time.

Just imagine that feeling of fresh cotton sheets.  That is the sensation your baby gets from being wrapped in a cotton nappy.  At every change you give your baby a wonderful soft cotton hug.  Your baby will love it and coo and smile at you from the changing table.  Your baby will love these nappies, you will enjoy changing times and you will hardly notice the washing.  Nappies just go into a bucket with a lid or even a washable bag. When the bag is full you put them in the washing machine.  No need to soak or boil – and please, as little detergent as possible to protect your baby’s sensitive skin and absolutely no fabric softener – that stops the nappy being absorbent.

The Facts

  • 4,000-6,000 nappies per child are used from birth to potty training
  • 3 billion disposable nappies are sent to the landfill each year
  • Save up to 50% on the cost of regular disposables
  • Baby is not exposed to any harmful synthetics
  • Some cloth nappies can be used again for other children
  • Makes potty training easier because babies can “feel” the wet in a cloth nappy

Switch at 6
We say switch at 6 because 6 weeks may be a good time for you to switch over from disposables or perhaps you’re not ready to use them until your baby is 6 months.  Once you start using them you won’t believe how much money and waste you save.

No more bulky packages of ‘disposable’  nappies to lug back from the supermarket.  And much less waste to put out each week.  On average you will reduce your household refuse by 7.6kg.  If you choose flat, soft,  organic cotton nappies they are so durable they can be used on a second or third child.

Changing a nappy is a beautiful expression of caring for your baby.   It’s a time to communicate, to sing, to say nursery rhymes, to play, to laugh, to enjoy your baby.   It’s a sensual time, to blow raspberries on your baby’s tummy. It’s a time of pleasure and reward.

It’s also a time of learning for you and your baby.    You will notice your baby senses your emotions.  At times you will take your baby to the changing table feeling tired and irritable.  Your baby will respond by crying and moaning.  But lighten that tone of voice, put on a smile, hum a tune, in no time at all you will both be enjoying the moment.

Make Potty Training Easier
Your baby is learning the difference between a wet or soiled nappy and a fresh clean cotton one.  Every animal, including humans are born with a tendency to be clean.  Neglect this instinct and your baby learns to ignore the discomfort of soiling and sore skin.

There comes a time when your child no longer wants you to change her/his nappy and changing time can become a battle of wills.  Cotton nappies can help avoid this because they help nurture and stimulate the child’s desire to be clean and dry.  Children that wear cotton nappies tend to want to take themselves to the toilet and wear clean dry pants earlier than children who have only worn disposables.

Real Nappies for London works with many London boroughs to help parents try out alternatives to single-use nappies. Some boroughs are promoting the use of real nappies independently.  Many are offering a voucher scheme to help get you started.  Using cloth nappies has never been easier – from info sessions to laundering services as well as the range of cloth nappy types makes the switch an easy one.

For more information on cloth nappies, please visit these useful sites:


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