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Introduction to Mindfulness at YogaWest

Introduction to Mindfulness at YogaWest


The kids are back in school. The after-school activities are all booked. Now starts the military precision operation of getting everything done without tempers flaring. Enter mindfulness, a practice of being in the present that has been touted by everyone from CEOs to celebrities. Kids essentially live in the moment – they are mindful ninjas we can learn from.

Some say being a mindful parent isn’t possible; perhaps that’s true, especially when we’re being pulled in a million directions and always looking forward to the next step. But if we can reduce the stress of parenting, shout a little less and enjoy the here and now a little more, mindfulness would be well worth the effort.

On Sunday 5th October, Acton-based YogaWest is holding an Introduction to Mindfulness course with Veronika Kloucek . You will learn what mindfulness is, and explore how it can help you deal with stress, anxiety, negative thoughts and difficult emotional patterns in everyday life.

The session runs from 2 to 3:25 and costs  £10.

If you get hooked on the concept they will also be subsequently running an eight-week course.

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