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13 Ways to Combat the Party Hangover

13 Ways to Combat the Party Hangover


by Jamie Lloyd

Hurray, party season is just round the corner! We all understand that staying fit and healthy means restricting alcohol, but it’s all too tempting at this time of year. Luckily there are ways to indulge while reducing the after-effects, so you wake up ready to get back on track. Here are 13 scientifically supported ways to deal with that hangover—or prevent it from happening in the first place!

1. Drink water. It’s no secret that drinking water can help deflect that pounding a.m. headache. Tissues surrounding the brain are mostly made of water, and 80 percent of our little thinking box is made up of this, so dehydration will shrink these tissues, creating pressure. Alcohol predisposes the body to dehydration, so make sure to drink water continuously throughout the night. Try matching each alcoholic drink with one glass of water to avoid that next day throbbing.

2. Eat before you drink. No, just because beer has calories doesn’t mean it counts as dinner. Drinking on an empty stomach means alcohol absorbs faster, so try getting in a good meal with lots of healthy carbs before breaking out the bottle.

3. Light is best. Darker drinks like red wine or rum contain congeners (substances produced during fermentation), which may contribute to causing hangovers. Skip the whiskey in favour of vodka or a glass of white wine.

4. Go classy. More expensive spirits contain less filler congener. So take it up a notch with some top-shelf booze.

5. Take a multivitamin. Drinking depletes nutrients in the body, including vitamin B12 and folate. Try popping in a multivitamin to replenish what’s lost from the night before. Or plan ahead and take milk thistle a few weeks before the party season to help protect and detoxify the liver.

6. Ditch the bubbles. Opt out of champagne or other alcohol that’s mixed with carbonated beverages. The bubbles may cause alcohol to be absorbed more quickly (hence that New Year’s Day hangover).

7. Down-dog. Scientists have yet to prove that a few sun-salutations will whisk away a hangover, but breathing and meditation exercises in yoga can get oxygen flowing and blood pumping to help relieve stress. Namaste!

8. Grab some potassium. When dehydrated, we lose not only water but electrolytes too. Top back up by snacking on potassium-rich foods like bananas or spinach or drinking coconut water.

9. Scramble eggs. Eggs contain taurine, which has been shown to reverse liver damage caused by a night of heavy boozing. Boost them with lots of veggies for added antioxidant power.

10. Sip ginger tea. Hangovers can sometimes come with a side of upset stomach. To settle that tummy, brew a warm mug of ginger tea. Ginger has long been known to help combat nausea.

11. Refuel at the breakfast table. Alcohol will lead to a drop in blood sugar, so crank it up with a glass of OJ in the morning.

12. Get some fresh air. Oxygen increases the rate that alcohol toxins are broken down, so bundle up and get outdoors and try one of my Kettlebell Sessions. A little exercise never hurt anyone—and it may even release some endorphins to lift that post-hangover mood!

13. Be the driver. I’m sorry to say that the only sure-fire way to avoid a hangover is to skip the booze altogether. So if waking up to a pounding headache doesn’t sound fun, play designated driver for the night (even if not actually driving). Most people put on four kilograms over the party season, so a day off here and there would be kind to your liver and your waistline. Happy holidays!

About the author:
Jamie Lloyd is a multi-award-winning health and fitness coach based in southwest London. For personal training, nutrition coaching or to try his 10-day liver cleanse, email contact(@)jamielloydfitness.com or visit www.iamjamielloyd.com.

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