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Take your baby to the theatre: Soho Screamers

Take your baby to the theatre: Soho Screamers

westlondonmum.co.ukAre you getting bored of hanging out at your local cafe or park and need a little more artistic stimulation? Going to the cinema or the art gallery has become very accessible with various mummy meet up groups, so it was only a matter of time before the theatre world caught up.  The Soho Theatre has teamed up with Mothers Play – an initiative set up by local mum and actor Stephanie Moore. Her aim is simple…mums shouldn’t have to miss the latest show just because they have babies. Mark Godfrey Executive Director of Soho Theatre says:

“Stephanie Moore from Mother’s Play approached us with the great idea of creating parent/guardian and baby performances, borrowing from the success of similar style cinema screenings and adapted to live performance. We’re really pleased to be able to act on this and work with her to provide a series of performances across our theatre and comedy programme, broadening access and making our work available to more people.”

The production will be the exact same as the evening shows – with the exception that the lights will be a little brighter so you can feed your baby. There will be a buggy park, additional nappy changing facilities, bottle warming facilities and a special meal deal for Soho Screamers ticket holders in the bar at the performance. Best of all, if your future thespian or theatre critic cries during the show and you need to walk around, it won’t come as a shock.

The initial season opens with Bridget Christie’s Foster Award-winning show A Bic for Her (Wed 20 Nov); Soho Theatre’s dark and delicious Christmas musical from Anthony Neilson, Tom Mills and Soho Artistic Director Steve Marmion, The Night Before Christmas (Wed 11 Dec); Soho Theatre’s Associate Company Late Night Gimp Fight (Tue 18 Dec); and seeing in the New Year is Luisa Omeilan’s mega-hit show What Would Beyoncé Do?! (Wed 8 Jan).

We commend the actors, who we’re sure will have to deal with the occasional outburst and possible distraction, but hey, that’s what live theatre is all about!

Tickets cost £12.50

For more info, please visit:

www.sohotheatre.com | Mother’s Play

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