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Top London Mummy Bloggers Nominees: 1-5

Top London Mummy Bloggers Nominees: 1-5


We recently asked our readers to vote for their favourite London Mummy Blogger – this group of women share the highs and lows of Motherhood and invite us into their new found roles – even if it is a friendship over the warm glow of the computer screen – never underestimate the power of a comment, a tweet or a virtual hug.

Topics of blogs vary from personal testimonials to craft projects…but one theme remains constant – raising a child in London and the wonders the city has to offer…

The first group of nominees are 1-5:


Brazilian born East London mama who works in the fashion industry and dreams of becoming a full-time writer at some point in this life time.  Loves: books more than shoes, clothes with a history rather than labels, bouncy music, dry humour, films with subtitles and depressing plots, family more than anything else in the world.

Mama Dalston tells the story of my clumsy journey through motherhood, as I try to figure out how to raise a little girl In East London without going down the pink route.

Check her out at: www.mamadalston.com


Bianca is a mummy to two gorgeous girls, toddler Allegra who turned 2 years old in February and baby Claudia who was born at the end of January 2013.  She started her  blog just before Allegra was born and has been surprised at being able to keep it going in the midst of juggling being a mum, being a wife, working 4-days a week in a crazy busy job and battling the laundry basket.  She keeps it going because she loves to capture the highs and lows of the everyday life of me and my little family.
Check her out at: richmondmummy.com








BERICE BABY by Charlotte
Berice Baby is a site I named after my son and his future siblings. I started this journey with a weekly video blog on YouTube during my pregnancy with Hayden then created a blog to document our journey through life. We love looking back at everything we have been through and sharing personal and family related things  with our friends and family online.

Check her out at: www.bericebaby.co.uk



Family Four Fun is written by Emily who, as the name implies is Mummy to four fun and lively children. They are her inspiration and the blog is their story which started whilst they were living in Ireland as a way to keep family updated. Since then it has followed them back home to London and is growing as fast as the children. The blog has just celebrated it’s first year as a Finalist in the MAD Blog Awards in the Family Fun Category.


Check her out at: www.familyfourfun.co.uk



London based mama of one little person, former wedding planner, enjoyer of photo taking and red wine drinking. My blog oh! you little things (yep, from the Bowie song) is a document of motherhood musings and pictures of my family of three.


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