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Spring Clean—YOURSELF!

Spring Clean—YOURSELF!

W10 Spring Clean Detox

Contributed by Jean Claude Vacassin:

As part of our Jeans Challenge season we at W10 Performance wanted to share our professional advice on how to shed any extra pounds you may have gained over the winter months and get fit, healthy and clean for the summer. Here’s how…

Spring Cleanse Your Body Part 1—The 14-day Re-boot
Spring is officially upon us and with it comes the perfect timing to shake off any winter lethargy and the resulting additional pounds and spring cleanse your body!

What is a ‘cleanse’?
By our definition, a cleanse is the act of both reducing the amount of toxins coming IN to the body whilst aiding or accelerating the processing and elimination of toxins OUT of the body.

In others words, cleansing helps us detoxify the existing CRAP (Chemicals, Refined sugars, Alcohol and Processed foods) out of our system, whilst at the same time reducing the amount of CRAP that we put in that system in the first place!

At W10 Performance this process often begins with our W10 14-day Re-boot program.

What is the W10 14-day Re-boot?
The reality for people who are carrying a few extra pounds is that their blood sugar levels are out of whack and they have developed some degree of insulin resistance – disastrous for both health and aesthetics!

How has this come about?  Long story short, insulin is secreted in response to elevated blood sugar levels and insulin resistance occurs when insulin levels are elevated over a prolonged period of time causing the body’s own sensitivity to insulin to be reduced.  This is a fat loss own goal and we need to reverse this, quickly.  Enter the 14-day Re-boot diet.

How does the program work?
Our 14-day Re-boot program does exactly what it says on the tin; it ‘re-boots’ the system, specifically kick-starting fat loss.

In a nutshell, it works by removing processed foods and refined sugars that negatively affect insulin levels and balancing the diet with low GI foods, which will help rebalance, or re-boot, our sensitivity to insulin.  This in turn will help us tolerate sugars better and help us shed some of that excess body fat, leaving us feeling invigorated, more energized and all round feeling pretty good!

We’re removing higher GI food, which eliminates all processed foods and refined sugars; we’re removing alcohol completely; and we’re placing the emphasis on clean water and organic produce, so we also remove many of the sources of chemicals and other unwanted “nasties” from the system.  Net effect?  Major sources of CRAP removed from the system!

How do I do the 14-Day Re-boot?
It’s simple.  For fourteen days – and fourteen days only – you eat from the ‘green’ foods at the base of the W10 Food Pyramid, excluding all fruit and Category B vegetables.  No digressions, no cheat meals.  That’s it.  (We know, but it works!)

The only other guidelines we give are around protein quantity, supplements and fluids.

Protein recommendations are based an individuals lean mass and we encourage people to ensure that they get adequate amounts.  This is important for several reasons, most notably the preservation of lean mass and to aid liver detoxification.  A palm-sized serving with each meal is a decent guideline.

Supplements are not essential but will definitely help. If you choose to do nothing else, at the very least throw an organic greens drink into the mix to help alkalize the system.

Needless to say that plenty of clean water is essential.  No coffee would be ideal; one coffee per day is fine.  Herbal teas are in.  All else is out.

What can I expect from doing the re-boot?
Significant fat loss, increased energy levels, better looking skin, better sleep and radically improved mood are just a few of the things you’ll be experiencing by the end of the fourteen days.

Although it’s probably fair to say that for most people the first few days can be pretty tough going, the effort is worth it.  You’ll look feel and function better, and you’ll find it easier to lose or maintain your weight in the long run.

Is it suitable for everyone?
It’s suitable for most people, although if you’re starting on the back foot, you might want to build up to it meal by meal – something we do a lot with our new members at W10.

In other words, align your breakfast to the green list first – do that for a week or two.

Next, look at your lunch, align that to the green list – do that for a further two weeks.

Next, look at dinner, and so on, until you can to the full two weeks.

Where can I find the W10 Food Pyramid?
You can find our downloadable W10 Food Pyramid on our Facebook page.  Please feel free to ask us any questions that you may have there also.

Happy spring cleansing!

Our “Jeans Challenge” starts on the 7th of May. You WILL loose up to two jeans sizes in 8 Weeks. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation. You can find full details of the Jeans Challenge on our website www.w10performance.com

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll look more closely at specific nutritional cleansing and introduce our 14-day W10 Amino Cleanse, the ultimate two week fat loss program designed to specifically boost liver function and help rejuvenate the digestive system, whilst simultaneously helping you shift fat like no other program we’ve seen!

For more information on W10 Performance, please visit:

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Image credit: Miriam Wilcox


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