
London’s Top Mum Bloggers 2018

Over the last few weeks we asked you, our readers,  to nominate your favourite London based mum bloggers. This year’s nominees range from fashionistas to eco-warriors. Today we present our first group. Enjoy!


Emma Ross of MamaLina

Emma is a Londoner, wife to Sam and mum to Jack and Sonny. Her blog space focuses on low waste living and parenting with a heavy does of slowness and sustainability. The blog also explores eco-fashion, yoga, travel, cooking and more.

Baby and the Bean

Lara Taylor Of Baby and the Bean

Lara, the mum behind thebabyandthebean is passionate about bringing freshness and fun to weaning. She focusses on flavour and variety and creates recipes that cater for baby-led weaners, traditional weaners and all those in between. Her common sense approach means that all recipes are very straight forward, and are aimed at the whole family so you won’t find any strange mushy combinations!

milk and the museum

Sally Webb Of Milk At The Museum

Sally previously worked in museums before having two children. The long days spent at home made her realise there wasn’t anywhere she could find all museum goings on for families in one place (and there are lots), which gave her the idea to start Milk at the Museum Adventures aka MAMA. Milk at the Museum provides information on all family- friendly events and exhibitions happening in London with regular reviews, interviews, competitions and the ‘Museum Product of the Week’.

Too Much Mothering Information

Nicola Washington of  Too Much Mothering Information

Nicola Washington founded Too Much Mothering Information early in 2016 after handing a bunch of ideas to a friend for their work, and saying, “I’ve got aspirations to start a blog but it will never happen.” She realised she was getting in her own way and started writing – something she enjoyed as a child but hadn’t done for years. Initially TMMI was about parenting, but Nicola now writes about her other interests too, including feminism and politics.


Emmy Watts of Bablands

Emmy is a stay-at-home mum who rarely stays at home. She began Bablands as a way to help Londoners who like her suddenly find themselves in the capital with a small creature to entertain. Part magazine, part guide, Bablands follows the adventures of her two-year-old daughter Babu as she seeks out shops, hangouts and activities that babies and toddlers will adore without driving their adults to pink-plastic-and-rhyme-time-induced lunacy.


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Kitty Phillips

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