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Time Management Tips for Busy Parents

Time Management Tips for Busy Parents


by Shelley Henderson

Busy, busy, busy—that pretty much sums up our lives today. Whether you are a first- or third-time parent, we all understand that even the simplest of tasks have suddenly become the ‘still to do task’. We strive to fit in so much to our day but often we don’t change our approach in how we plan or if we indeed have a plan at all. As the new school year gets underway, hopefully we can help with a few essential tips and you’ll be able to gain some time and sanity!

  1. Remind yourself, “There is always enough time for the important things.” If it’s not important, do you need to do it? What was important prior to children may not be anymore, yet you still give it your time. Step back and re-look at your priorities.
  1. Plan and prepare each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself. This helps you get the most out of your day. Be realistic on how much you can achieve in a day!
  1. Keep paper or a calendar with you to jot down your to-do list or notes.
  1. Work efficiently with the time you have. You can break down a large task into smaller tasks that can be completed within time slots or work on a task you know you can complete within the time you have.
  1. Delegate responsibilities whenever possible and always give deadlines. Yes, you can ask other family members to do things and it doesn’t matter if it’s not quite as good as if you did it yourself—the main thing is you didn’t have to do it!

Shelley Henderson is co-founder of Ealing Mums in Business and co-owner of Pitter Patter, Hub for Bubs. Ealing Mums in Business run regular seminars. For more information contact ealingmumsinbusiness@gmail.com or visit www.mums-in-business.co.uk.

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